Expertos en Convenciones

5 destinations to travel in Mexico after Covid-19

Ala de avión

Are you looking for places to enjoy your first vacation after the pandemic? We have a few recommendations for you! 1. Puerto Vallarta The romantic and tropical town of Puerto Vallarta is situated on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Puerto Vallarta is located along the beautiful Banderas Bay, boasting numerous idyllic beaches with soft sand and […]

The Best Places to visit in New Zealand

New Zealand

New Zealand is an island nation made up of the North and the South Islands. Travelers can ski on snow-capped mountains and bask on subtropical beaches, learn about Maori culture and discover its British heritage, sip on some of the world’s finest wines and hike through uninhabited wilderness. Whatever kind of travel experiences you enjoy, […]

Jalisco one of the 50 best places to travel in 2020

Recently the list of the 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020 was launched, where only two Mexican states (Jalisco and Baja Sur’s East Cape) were mentioned as part of this exclusive selection created by the well known publication Travel + Leisure. Jalisco stands out for its great architectural and cultural richness, because, according to […]

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