Expertos en Convenciones

Working with millennials

Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025

Working with millennials generates many changes. From the way employers communicate to the way they use technology and manage their employees. From flexible work schedules, the way they use personal technology and a more open environment. In other words, they want a better work-life balance.













Millennials have challenged the tourism industry. Starting with the way of traveling to giving better care to the environment, as a regenerative tourism. That is, with a sustainable and sustainable approach, supported by technology. It also allows us to understand the proliferation of phenomena such as coworking or coliving even referring to team building.

Currently, 60% of SMEs in Argentina have expressed their intention to no longer have offices. They are fully committed to the home office or to hiring temporary coworking spaces where they are allowed to travel and work at the same time.

On the other hand, Mexico is in eighth place internationally in terms of labor turnover. For this reason, we have sought to implement changes that result in permanence, due to the attraction and retention of personnel.

Working with millennials implies proposing and developing practices, procedures, processes and business management schemes. That are increasingly effective, clear, innovative and applicable. In order to make them attractive to job seekers. Especially for university graduates in order to adjust to the preferences of the people involved in the job search.

Characteristics of this generation:
  • The most important preferences are those that help professional growth in the company.
  • Salary is not a relevant factor in the retention of people belonging to the Y generation.
  • The balance between professional and work activities is one of the main retention factors among people.
  • There is no difference in the perception of retention factors according to gender.

Everything is changing. So society has to adapt with a positive attitude. Let’s remember that change is good.

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